lyl223 發表於 2010-7-11 01:54

Tannoy DC 8 or Tannoy DC 6

Hi, Chings

I got a problem need all your help.

I did audition today for my FIRST 2 chanel stero system

tried Onix A65 & CDP with few speakers, best one to touch my heart is Tannoy DC 8, but my problem is:

1. It is quite expensive (I'm looking for bookshelf speak around 10K). If I stay with Onix, should I go for DC 6? or any other speakers, Chings could recommend? (Quad,JMlab not my cup of tea)

2. If I stay with DC 8 and increase budget, is there any other good Int AMP & CDP (around 15K) would fit DC 8 more?

Many thanks for all your sharings.

rinko 發表於 2010-7-11 06:46


danny73 發表於 2010-7-11 08:11

(1) Amp 和 CDP如已鎖定Onix A65, 喇巴筆直10k, 選Tannoy DC8 好唔好? 有冇其它喇巴更好選擇.
(2) 如果肯加筆直到15k買 Tannoy DC8, 咁Onix A65 和 CDP 會唔會襯佢唔起? 有冇其它Amp和CDP更夾 DC8 ?

師兄點解Amp 唔簡 Onix RA125呀? 行2隻環牛好力水好多bor, 價錢都係多4k唔使....

lyl223 發表於 2010-7-11 10:04

Danny hing, thank you for help on translation (my chinese typing is very bad)

Rinko Hing, Yes, Danny hing is right.

I want to know whether Tannoy Signature DC 6 is good with Onix A65 &CDP15? or any other INT AMP &CDP (Budget 15K) fit Tannoy DC 8?
Many Thanks

alan88 發表於 2010-7-11 13:04


lyl223 發表於 2010-7-11 13:11

Tannoy DC 8 or Tannoy DC 6

Thanks Ching

Could you recommend where I could find more different tannoy DC 6 or other speakers ( bookshelf)?


- 发送自我的 iPhone 大板凳应用

lyl223 發表於 2010-7-12 17:59

could any Chings share the experience/knowledge on Tannoy DC 8 speaker?

Many Thanks

danny73 發表於 2010-7-12 19:15

Why don't you share what characteristics of DC6/8 makes you love them?Outlooks or characters of sound or what ?

lyl223 發表於 2010-7-12 22:44

I haven't got a chance to try DC 6, because the shop told me that there is no stock

Regarding DC 8, is from Definition series. Outlook is fantastic, simple design but elegant.
Sound wise, the bass is firm. quite details in instrument playing, vocal field is broad and deep, the singing voice is warm. I quite like it, but only bit expensive (20K), out of my budget.
I tried DC 4 as well, signature series. It's good, but can't compare with DC 8. That's why I look for DC 6, thinking it should be in between. but don't know where I can find it.
any Ching has/had experience with Tannoy DC 6? appreiate your sharings.


kalvin 發表於 2010-7-14 02:57

I haven't got a chance to try DC 6, because the shop told me that there is no stock

Regarding DC 8, ...
lyl223 發表於 2010-7-12 22:44

其實我都好鐘意Tannoy DC Series,因我睇戲較多所以最後都買咗第二個品牌。
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