等我TRYTRY先 回復 10# plnl88
唔該唔該{:1_352:} once you set the PC to output 16:9 signal, you can use the "16:9 Overscan" to Enlarge the image and hide the edge of the image
師兄! PAN記巴士麻好似係設定->其他設定->有個叫做畫面擴張掃描喎!佢用來控制OVERSCAN個喎!我部HTPC都唔駛SET OVERSCAN...... 因為佢用 ati display
preset 係得80﹪ full
所以要係電腦 set. so many nice Ching{:6_181:}...I like here ! {:6_218:} there is a setting in CCC, you can set the overscan ratio in the "scalign option" tab