amazon uk用royal mail要21日...
快定慢? 係咪已經快過amazon us?Thanks. 呢兩次收 amazon uk 既野, 都係一個星期收貨 royal mail速度超怏,我幾次都係5日內收到 覆你會話要21日,但係約莫一星期(五個工作天)會到。 Last time one and a half week only
although it said it needed 4 weeks due to the volcanic eruption in Iceland 7-10日左右...佢地自已預鬆好多時間!{:6_182:}
印象中好似快過us 如無受火山灰影響, 一星期點都得!
快過US好多! 我6月29號夜晚order,今個月6號收到了,應該好快ga wor 咁厲害?!? 太好喇~
我想問埋...如果送貨果時唔係屋企...係咪去郵局拎...定點? (唔好意思...第一次amazon買野好多野問) 回復 9# glamuro
Yes, the postman will leave a card in your mailbox and ask you to goto the post office to pickup