OPPO 83 好熱
剛轉會到 OPPO, 因為 在76 好火熱, 點知接返屋企點燈開了半粒鐘好熱 {:6_163:} , 後來都無時間玩, 今晚再玩 45MINS 都係好熱 {:6_159:} . 請問各位用家有否同一問题 ? 唔好用手去掂佢就唔會熱架喇{:6_235:} 剛轉會到 OPPO, 因為 在76 好火熱, 點知接返屋企點燈開了半粒鐘好熱, 後來都無時間玩, 今晚再玩 ...Netmans 發表於 2010-7-6 21:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
你一定冇開冷氣機啦{:1_339:} 依家除左個d speakers 唔熱,乜都係暖同好熱。。。 ching 你看一看說明書 寫的使用時耗電多少 ? 我的ud8004 使用時耗電55w 連看兩套電影都是冷的 唔好用手去掂佢, 我怕佢叫救命 ..一定有開冷氣機, 機身左右同頂好滚 , 好似 KYLIE - FEVER 發燒咁, 等等再 TEST 佢有無背後風扇有無郁 ...
其實好以 d 幾舊水 Media Player 咁熱..
Thanks terry-chui & bigpun1975 {:6_136:} 吓! 又熱? 真係乜都熱{:6_199:} 1. maybe now is summer.{:6_183:}
2. don't put the unit on the AMP
3. the fan will be started when the temperature of CPU higher than 55 degree 正常情況下一定唔會咁熱啦~~
係一部BD PLAYER姐,又唔係A類AMP.... .... Mine is very hot, too.And the fan is on most of the time.