請教各位用安橋AMP之ching,當所有player接去amp,再經amp去TV,是否每次打機或睇電視及碟都要開AMP才有聲音輸出?因睇哂本說明書及AMP內set up部分都冇提及有by pass之類設定...{:6_141:} 唔使係有得set嫁 回復 2# depeche_lamching請問要點set呀{:6_141:} 我淨係記得係HDMI入面set...因為我用唔到所以唔記得.. 畫面就可以呀,乜聲都可以唔on amp出咩 回復depeche_lam
l1225 發表於 2010-7-5 20:24 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Ching 你可以試吓:
menu>>7-hardware setup>>4-HDMI>>HDMI Control ON, and power control on
then u should have the tv signal (both audio and video) pass through to TV even the AV amp is standby <<but not power off>> 回復 6# yoes
thx ching 試吓先{:6_182:} 回復 7# l1225
hope it can help, enjoy!!{:6_238:}