alexlcw 發表於 2010-7-8 13:14
Integrated amp don't have Radio, need to buy it separately. 回復 1# alexlcw
My real personal experience-
I thought myself will listen 90% music too ~3 months ago...
But somehow after I bought the AV amp, I shifted to 40% movie and 60% music; especially after buying BDP player.Mostly will play movie on Saturday or Sunday afternoon and listen music at night time.And I have pair of entry level speaker only now and planning to buy a sub-woofer soon."Thanks" to all Ching in 76...很快 and 很容易中毒.
So really think think before making decision... post76=poison76 haha... joking{:6_212:}
But got a lot of AV idea and knowledge from many Ching here!{:6_142:} 小弟好大機會會買SR6004,雖然講聲就唔會好得過int.amp但起碼我需要嘅功能佢全包。遲吓有米買部int.amp玩玩。自從嚟咗呢度睇post之後,突然間好想買部CD Player玩玩,相信已經被大大們毒了。之前聽歌係用音響組合同電腦及discman和dvd player聽CD,就從未用過大部純CD player嚟聽,好想試吓佢嘅威力。小弟未聽過SACD,好想聽吓,睇中咗SA7003/8003,呢兩部ok嗎?如果齋聽CD就CD5003/6003。但係呢家都未肯定買邊部player,心大心細中。當然$$係最大因素。 本帖最後由 babuwa 於 2010-7-9 12:37 編輯
Just found SA-8004 will be release soon, it's performance will be further improve since it have Digital input, It will be best buy in this price range, Ching can wait wait sin la.\ alexlcw兄
呢個Post明明問喇叭, 家下變O左做問AMP
如果你揀AV Amp去聽歌, 我諗唔計鬼佬AV AMP
馬仔係最O岩, 而喇叭真係要睇你自己口味
同聽咩歌.KEF IQ係會比較簿聲高音出O的 I am using elac BS203 speaker with 6003 ....
elac 味精少.. 高音正..
QUAD 人聲靚.. 小弟主要係聽rock同pop,阿媽就聽啲60-80年代嘅歌。