新手問題-onkyo608 + kef iq70
如果我想買onkyo608+kef iq70.要配咩中置,surround,sub-woofer 好呀?
我個客廳係9呎濶x10呎長. I just bought Onkyo 608, viewed lots of reviews from forums and shopped around in CWB, MK, SSP. Here're my choices:
Centre: QUAD L-ite Centre (~2400 in 英京)
Klipsch C-1 also OK but plastic made (~1700, 10% off in Fortress, cheaper than MK)
Mirage CC no good, sound not focus.
Jarmo ? (~1500 英京), sound too sharp.
Subwoofer: Mirage MM-6 (~3200 in 英京), more than enough for 100-200sq ft room. No need MM-8.
Energy M6 (~3380 in CWB/Sheng Wan 原音), but both Energy/Mirage owned by Klipsch, same subwoofer.
Surround: Mirage Nanosat Prestige (~2600 pair in CWB/Sheng Wan 原音 or MK 奇纜店). Very good 3D technology for movie.
http://www.review33.com/storedir/store_list.php?lang=eng&subtype=retail&type=av&district=5 anki兄,
鐘意什麼聲底?厚定薄/分析力定係大力??? anki兄,
鐵心心 發表於 2010-7-5 16:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
其實唔係好識.但試左kef iq70既聲.幾鍾意.好清,好有層次.係唔係=分析力.但係唔明咩係厚定薄 其實唔係好識.但試左kef iq70既聲.幾鍾意.好清,好有層次.係唔係=分析力.但係唔明咩係厚定薄 ...
anki 發表於 2010-7-5 16:54 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
如果是這樣,可試一下JM lab的 或kef的xq系列 回復 2# ocicattt
how about your front speaker ? Front speakers are not new, I use PMC FB1 for music, only 20% time watch movie with Onkyo. Front speakers are not new, I use PMC FB1 for music, only 20% time watch movie with Onkyo.
ocicattt 發表於 2010-7-5 17:15 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
PMC FB1又係好選擇,中性,中頻夠密度
戲同聽歌都岩用 好高深呀.我睇怕都有排學呀. iq係叫比較少少薄,係分析力型.
如果是這樣,可試一下JM lab的 或kef的xq系列 ...
鐵心心 發表於 2010-7-5 16:59 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我打算玩5.1,而你意思係SURROUND用KEF XQ ? 咁SUB仔用邊隻好呀?THANKS