bobpinpin 發表於 2010-7-5 13:26

Naim Nait XS upgrade path?

Brothers,i am currently owing the Naim Nait XS with proac 1sc and feel quite happy with it although I want to buy dynaudio c1 as my future goal. And I want to upgrade my system.

If I have about 2xk budget, is it better to buy a naim DAC or just sell my nait and buy supernait ? My target is to use digital music as source in the future.

Please give me some advice.


PP-HK 發表於 2010-7-5 13:32

你以推c1為目標當然係上supernait啦, xs好勉強喎。

bobpinpin 發表於 2010-7-5 15:55

I checked the menu and it says the nait xs could be upgraded by adding NAP 200..when matched, is it a better alternative than supernait,brother???

PP-HK 發表於 2010-7-5 16:11

nait xs可以加nap200? 呢層我唔清楚喎, 我不嬲以為佢只可加flatcap或hicap啫。不過, 點都好nait xs只係用來代替nait5i既入門機, 佢既力水同分體機或者supernait都應該爭好遠, naim機唔係單睇數字咁簡單。

PP-HK 發表於 2010-7-5 16:25

岩岩去check左naim menu, nait xs插nap200係要經hicap喎, 睇落去插左nap200後xs只當前級用, 咁我就唔清楚個推動力會大左幾多了。不過, hicap+nap200都唔少錢, 咁upgrade法一黎 'side' 左份後級, 二黎點解唔直上supernait?

bobpinpin 發表於 2010-7-5 19:22

Thanks brother, I have found a post in the naim's forum and one of the members there advised buying a pre 282 and add to nait xs , I am not sure if that will enhance the whole system or what. But now I have few choices like:

1) Ndac+ nait XS
2)Nait Xs + Pre 282
3) Nait XS + flapcap/hicap+ Nap 250
4) Sell nait XS and upgrade to Supernait.

If I dont want to change speaker now and continue to use 1sc , what would be the most appropiate move?{:1_331:}

Nan7yo 發表於 2010-7-5 22:00

回復 6# bobpinpin

   I recently became a Naim user and got the same question...
I'm not sure for Supernait, will additional DAC help the performance?
What I mean is if you upgraded to Supernait, you will still wanna upgrade for better performance. No doubt that the Flatcap/hicap can be re-used for supernait and if DAC can be intergrated with performace improved, why don't you buy Upgrade kits first with your NaitXS while still using ProAc 1SC.
When you Make up ur mind to upgrade speaker, just change NaitXS with SuperNait, then you can still use those side dishes.
I might made a wrong assumptions, just my 2 cents~   

BTW, I'm also headache on CD player (currently using NaitXS)
a) Naim CD5i (affordable but no way to upgrade)
b) Naim CD5XS (Better quality and able to upgrade but need to eat Tree Skin for months)
c) Other CD player (Risk of not matching sound, but I just like Yamaha S2000)

What do all bros think?

bbocram 發表於 2010-7-5 22:45

Thanks brother, I have found a post in the naim's forum and one of the members there advised buying...
bobpinpin 發表於 2010-7-5 19:22

I suggest sell your Nait XS and buy the 202/200, then you can listen the real naim taste. can add the NAPSC and Hi-cap for upgrade the performance. {:1_339:}

Over more can replace the 202 to 282, if change speaker and power not enough, then change to 250 {:1_344:}

bobpinpin 發表於 2010-7-5 23:20

Thanks for brothers advice.I started this hobby a year ago and this is my 2nd year and so I plan to upgrade the system step by step. I have a habit of buying one piece of equippment every year and the fact for keeping my nait XS is that I dont think I have fully utilized my Nait xs and therefore keeping it with me would be a very good alternative while things could be added later.

By having either supernait or whole system replacement with 2 series means I should not buy the Ndac this year. If that makes sense, I might consider followingbrothers ideas of selling the nait xs.

I have been thinking if there is another alternative,but it is far more complicated...

PP-HK 發表於 2010-7-6 00:28

我都覺得bbocram兄的提議幾好, 上202/200係最實際。你原來幾個方案, 我唔係幾建議你保留XS, 事關你既目標係C1, XS始終推動力有所不足。SUPERNAIT力水不成疑問, 但佢既聲底較為硬朗, 音樂感唔及前後級。雖然我只係玩得好入門, 但由NAIT 5i上122/150後先感受到NAIM前後級同合併機聲底的分別。

有CHING提過, 我都贊成你加CAP昇住級先, 因為將來都可以用得番, NAIM機未加CAP只係發揮到6、7成威力。另外, 你冇提過用緊乜CDP, 如果用緊5X以上既CDP, 仲可以諗諗條HILINE, 一個二手CAP+HILINE應該係你BUDGET內, 我相信比俾起加個DAC進步會更大。
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