Subwoofer cable for CHT-8q
I am using 607 + CHT-8q,I read the post saying the Wireworld Oasis 6 is good {:6_243:} , but it seems relatively expensive compare with my subwoofer.
Any subwoofer cable recommendation? QED reference? AQ Sub-3{:6_190:} AQ Sub-3
KING 發表於 2010-7-6 09:38
Where can we buy AQ Sub-3 cheap? WW Oasis 6 in Future shop may cheaper than Sub-3 found in HK bor...{:6_207:} Sub-1 also ok wor.... Where can we buy AQ Sub-3 cheap? WW Oasis 6 in Future shop may cheaper than Sub-3 found in HK bor ...
24105 發表於 2010-7-6 13:12
MK 德8地庫,ssp 永x 有得買!{:6_190:} Actually I'm also using 607 + CHT 8Q and looking for Sub cable too.
Is it a big difference between AQ Sub 1 & Sub 3?
Sub 3 = $ Sub 1 x 2. Is it worth to use on CHT 8Q? Which one with better c/p value? AQ Sub-3
KING 發表於 2010-7-6 09:38
How much ah Ching........{:6_182:} How much ah Ching........
hondaek9 發表於 2010-7-18 22:17
$1300 又唔想過千一條cable,不妨考慮下上網訂QED REFERENCE/SIGNATURE ,前者係SSP都賣緊$1200蚊,上網就平成半,後者就會貴多少少! 回復 9# chhanthony
回復 10# lamdog
Thanks Ching.....{:6_195:}