終於獲批學電單車。本身有私家車牌,會唔會易pass o的?
大家又係去邊度學? ching本身有路面經驗,懂踏單車嗎?
如兩樣都OK是很容易 如果有路面經驗,最重要就係斜路打8字{:6_142:} 單車我ok的。
駕駛學院得唔得呢? 點解咁想學電單車呢?
回复: 學電單車
代步,私家車養車貴。发送自我的 Milestone 大板凳 {:6_229:}電單車是難放難收的, 亦同體能掛勾, 去養一部電單車, 並不是容易的事, suggest唔好學. 八掛下, 點解電單車會難放, 唔係俾油就去既咩? 八掛下, 點解電單車會難放, 唔係俾油就去既咩?
PP-HK 發表於 2010-7-5 14:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我估係講緊買賣時難放難收 電單車是難放難收的, 亦同體能掛勾, 去養一部電單車, 並不是容易的事, suggest唔好學. ...
七彩小生 發表於 2010-7-5 13:42 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
If you are talking about buy and sell, I disagree. I think it's hard to sell 2nd car/bike if your price is high. The problem of bike is safety only. In terms of cost (license, petroleum fee, maintenance fee), all are much cheaper than a 1500cc car.