how much for 665?
ricki 發表於 2010-6-30 16:09
My fd bought 5004 & I bought 1019 on the same night. 5004 better for music, while 1019 is better @ movies. Marantz must more powerful than Yamaha amp. ( in same price range).
I mean only the power ,taste is base on what you like . 回復 3# ricki
I see in SSP-HKD3980.00. I am using it. It is ok to me. 如果咁又八掛想問下, 5004 同 6004 除左個 Front Panel 外, 重有乜野唔同? Power 細D? 但似乎 Core DSP 都係同一粒. 不過我暫時都立定心場, 睇定DD先.
Thanks! 但似乎 Core DSP 都係同一粒. 不過我暫時都立定心場, 睇定DD先.
macjuju 發表於 2010-6-30 19:52
Hi macjuju Ching,
You are correct that 6004 and 5004 use the same DSP...
By comparing the 5004 and 6004 in the Marantz website, there are the major difference:
[*]6004 is better than 5004 in the following
[*]6004 got 4in2out HDMI; 5004 got only 3in1out
[*]6004 output 110w and 5004 output 100w
[*]6004 support USB but not in 5004
[*]6004 support bluetooth but not in 5004.
Before 講價, 6004 selling at $5500 and 5400 selling at $3480 in Mongkok.
Not A/B compare with the 6004 and 5004... I 懷疑the sound quality of 6004 worth paying $2000 more over 5004?
Any comment?