國為c hing想買m3那里地六平呀想買m3
From recent review M3 is not very gd. And the support from mainland china is questionable. After 6 mths who know if the firmware will be upgrade or not.If BD java menu is not a must for you, I will recommend a200 as a gd alternative for M3. C200 is way too much for this kind of toy as it will be faded out too soon.
- 发送自我的 iPhone 大板凳应用 國為c hing想買m3那里地方平呀 回復 2# billy997
hi c hing,
so a200 where to buy it? how much?
thanks! 有冇人知 正刀 有冇貨? 要平就上淘寶找一找, 應該好多好平 正刀@!*)冇貨要訂, 淘寶rmb 15xx左右.... 想知淘寶買咗之後, 部機有事應該點做 ?? 要平就上淘寶找一找, 應該好多好平
deeboy 發表於 2010-7-1 20:37 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我淘寶買$!$*) 想知淘寶買咗之後, 部機有事應該點做 ??
c0t2d0 發表於 2010-7-12 15:00 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
上淘寶買野前, 要同賣家傾左先, 例如運費, 幾時送到, 維修方法等等, 留意賣家評語, 甘就會有D保障了