Pioneer work with iphone
請問有冇ching 用iphone 直接插pioneer amp 聽歌?早兩曰iphone OS 3.1.3都冇問題 不過upgrade 左去OS4.0 部amp control 果時(即用amp remote control )都冇問題
不過我轉去 iPod control (即用iphone揀歌)部amp detect 唔到,display "no device"
請問有冇Ching 知道係咪iphone OS4.0 問題???
- 发送自我的 iPhone 大板凳应用 我都係咁呀 我個919都係show no device....
唉 又多bug 真係衰多手up左上去os4....{:6_243:}
Pioneer work with iphone
本帖最後由 hy358 於 2010-7-11 15:23 編輯我都係咁呀 我個919都係show no device....
唉 又多bug 真係衰多手up左上去os4....{:6_243:}
小弟插返部i pod 就冇事
pioneer 仲hard sell work with iPhone
Sent from my iPhone using 大板凳