plnl88 發表於 2010-6-27 00:31

"無錯喇 , 小弟都見有幾位CHING講過話P記PLASMA反應時間慢, 其實反應時間慢係LCD先有, 就算新既LED都 ...
fanshu 發表於 2010-6-27 00:04
Absolutely, VT20 is the closest to Kuro 9 as of today!
my two cents! {:6_162:}

fanshu 發表於 2010-6-27 01:34

but what will be the price? will the listed price of 50" less than $ @%,))) ?

fanshu 發表於 2010-6-27 01:34

sorry I mean $ @*,))).............similar to that of Samsung?

plnl88 發表於 2010-6-27 01:48

sorry I mean $ @*,))).............similar to that of Samsung?
fanshu 發表於 2010-6-27 01:34
I guess it will be around 28K-33K. {:6_175:}

fanshu 發表於 2010-6-27 01:51

if above 30k too expensive lah

ngyuto 發表於 2010-7-2 22:28

Installed the 42V20H today and very satisfy the performance and colors....etc !!But I have a problem on HDTV, I found out that when switch to HD TVB but the quality no big different than standard.... why?
All Ching please help !! ^_^

samlai2000 發表於 2010-7-3 00:44

Installed the 42V20H today and very satisfy the performance and colors....etc !!But I have a probl ...
ngyuto 發表於 2010-7-2 22:28

how come??? it's huge difference

kennykc 發表於 2010-7-3 01:20

Both LCD and Pasma TVs need to boil for hours. Besides, the default settings of the TV always make the image blur in handling some non-HD source. Try to disable the making image smooth or image intelligent functions might help. For the 24p movie, it seems that disabling the IFS CCC gives a smooth playback of 24p.

ngyuto 發表於 2010-7-3 12:33

how come??? it's huge difference
samlai2000 發表於 2010-7-3 00:44

我都唔知道點解, 嚇到我以為買錯機.......哈哈 !!好彩play隻blueray就知道唔係電視問題而係setting問題.

ngyuto 發表於 2010-7-3 12:57

Both LCD and Pasma TVs need to boil for hours. Besides, the default settings of the TV always make t ...
kennykc 發表於 2010-7-3 01:20

Ching thanks for you suggestions and I had tried both before post out the problem.I have noticed that for TV series "浦松齡" it don't looks like in HD but for CM "Watsons Water" D信心返哂 .........唉.......真係唔知道係個setting出事﹐定係"浦松齡"唔係用HD拍.{:1_338:}
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查看完整版本: PANASONIC P42V20H 開箱大吉/少量測試 P.8#79-新相 P.9#82-Q&A updated

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