hk_586 發表於 2010-6-21 13:22


can any c-hings tell me if 倍線器 ,like centerstage, is still available in the market?

where i can buy one?new or 2nd hand is ok.

i just want one for my dad's old plamsa tv.many thanks!

hk_586 發表於 2010-6-21 13:37

as i cannot always login to this web, if u have any update, could u pls email to!

hk_586 發表於 2010-6-23 23:53

any c-hing can share with me some info??

hk_586 發表於 2010-6-28 00:06

hi ryanenen hing, the problem is that my dad's old plasma gets only S-Video and VGA that the only way i can think of for a better image is to make use of 倍線器.i am now connecting a STB to the plasma with S-Video but the effect is really not good ar.i have no $$ to upgrade the TV and making use of 倍線器 should be the cheapest solution for an "upgrade".......

simon 發表於 2010-6-28 10:49

呢隻我有 .... 但只係 480p

但晌鴨記幾百元的 dvd 機都做到倍線 720P or 以上喇

hk_586 發表於 2010-6-29 00:26

-> Simon hing, thanks for the info.will try to look around in 鴨記.

-> ryanenen hing, have a glance on the PE1000, a very good product and it fits 100% my need.cannot find it in HK 2nd hand market.will keep an close eye here....

hk_586 發表於 2010-6-29 17:31

ryanenen hing, just check and can see someone selling for $ are right, better replace a new LCDTV!!!!!!

hk_586 發表於 2010-6-30 01:29

wanna to post a thread on the 2nd hand market here for a crystalio PE1000 倍線器 but found that i am too "young" to do so.....;-(

digcom 發表於 2010-6-30 11:06

ching 睇吓這些啱唔啱使 ?

hk_586 發表於 2010-6-30 11:42

回復 12# ryanenen

    thanks for the kind advise and reminder.will not pay more than $600 for it 'coz i am poor ma....
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