macjuju 發表於 2010-6-21 01:46

出 馬仔 6004, 定係等 P記 1120?

其實因為叫做諗得掂D位, 想諗一諗. 又做多兩個星期功課, 同睇住自己個銀包, 已諗到少少野

本來都睇過 1020, 但諗多陣如果家陣買機, 買架齊野既會好似好D, 所以放棄唔諗佢住.

不過唔知香港 P 記有冇習慣唔會 Carry full-series? 有冇機會會唔出 1120?

而馬仔 6004 除左係唔夠人地新 (無 HDMI 1.4, 無 THX Select 2 Cert), 唔知同 P 記在聲底上會點?

我主力係 CAS 光纖出俾 Amp 聽歌, PS3 睇戲, 音樂 / 睇戲 7:3.
打算用5隻 MicroPod + 已入手既 Mirage MM6 十仔.

重有唔知邊度有 6004 試? 我行過旺角, 唔多覺, 唔知家陣乜野水位?


rictsang 發表於 2010-6-21 03:27

I bought 6004 at KEF for $%))).

djaddy 發表於 2010-6-21 04:17

其實因為叫做諗得掂D位, 想諗一諗. 又做多兩個星期功課, 同睇住自己個銀包, 已諗到少少野

本來都睇過 1020 ...
macjuju 發表於 2010-6-21 01:46

It depends on the preference of sound characteristics. Marantz is smoother but slow & less dynamic. Pioneer is fast and very detailed but a bit thin. I picked Pioneer this time 'cos I can use spkr cables & spkrs to make the sound thicker, but nothing much u can do with the Marantz.

djaddy 發表於 2010-6-21 04:18

I bought 6004 at KEF for $%))).
rictsang 發表於 2010-6-21 03:27

It should be below $5K in SSP/ MK.

lamborghini436 發表於 2010-6-21 06:36


cbest 發表於 2010-6-21 07:13

It depends on the preference of sound characteristics. Marantz is smoother but slow & less dynami ...
djaddy 發表於 2010-6-21 04:17

which brand speakers work with pioneer can make sound thicker?

rictsang 發表於 2010-6-21 08:17

I have asked for Luen X in SSP. It asked for $%#)). So I think KEF is reasonable and placed my order.

shing517 發表於 2010-6-21 08:31


djaddy 發表於 2010-6-21 09:09

which brand speakers work with pioneer can make sound thicker?
cbest 發表於 2010-6-21 07:13

An inexpensive choice will be Cambridge Audio's S30.

cbest 發表於 2010-6-21 10:26

An inexpensive choice will be Cambridge Audio's S30.
djaddy 發表於 2010-6-21 09:09

    how about wharfedale??
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