mirage OS
I see many chings use this as the surround speakerscan these go with most front and centre speakers?
or are there ones that sound completely wrong with them as surround? CHing, I just bought one set for front high(presence). I will report their preformance to you soon. Anyway, you can go to TomLee showroom, they were set up a whole set Mirage OS3 surround system for demo. If use it as surround, how do this compare with the smaller Mirage nanostat? I mean nanosat prestige It must be consider your place's size. Coz the different of OS3 and nanosat is the power out put. 想問下os3 fs好唔好聲?方向性好唔好? 想問下os3 fs好唔好聲?方向性好唔好?
monsthamo 發表於 2010-6-23 09:20 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
如果聆聽環境狹窄, 用佢就合適~ 咁師兄,我又想請教下,地方唔大,如果用os3 sat / os3 nanosat prestige, 連前置都吊上天花,會唔會好影響個聲?佢360擴散係咪即係擺邊度都一樣? 地方唔大, 可以考慮一套 prestige, 我用緊, 都ok o架.
前置吊上天花, 冇話唔得, 但聲音定位會怪左d... e.g. 原本架車由電視水平左向右駛過, 但d 聲就升左上天花板
另雖然話360擴散, 但我試過, 指向皇帝位都係好聲d o家. It must be consider your place's size. Coz the different of OS3 and nanosat is the power out put.
minglau0308 發表於 2010-6-23 00:44 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
The length between wall is 12.5 ft, but I think from TV to sofa will be 11ft or less, will the smaller nanosat is enough?