even I only read english subtitle when watching dvd/blu-ray,
I find no improvement on my English speaking or reading {:1_336:}
some new words I do not understand the meaning, I just skipped them even I only read english subtitle when watching dvd/blu-ray,
I find no improvement on my English sp ...
pkseto 發表於 2010-6-21 13:24 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
C Hing,
Indeed you are not bad at all !
If you would like to go further beyond, you just need to do two more steps.
1) Don't skip any new word, get your dictionary ready.
2) steal and borrow phrases you know whenever you speak/write in English.
Practice make perfect.In time, your fluency and writing skill will be leveled up definitely. 對我黎講, 英字唔係睇唔明, 但要聚精會神咁睇 (因為個腦已經要process英文聲)
其實睇戲只係為左娛樂同輕鬆下, 搞到攰晒有違原意
{:6_146:} 一個願打 一個願捱 有咩計呢 存在就是合理 商家們唔做中字可以賣出一百只碟 做中字就可賣一百零二只 你做老細都唔做中字啦 市場就甘多消費者 再望望樓上班兄弟 有冇中字都照樣買啦 有咩野比我地選擇余地啊 除非罷買 要買點都買 唔要你做點靚都系唔要啦 DVD時代班兄弟已多要求他們要改善一下D畫汁 又唔系好似慕蓮姐要搞你 你一D反應冇甘 趙硬我地