薄餅薯片 發表於 2010-7-1 03:59


lamborghini436 發表於 2010-7-1 07:37

今日一條友搞部xpa5搞左成日,又要從新駁線,由1600搞到0200,好想死!!!!! ...
薄餅薯片 發表於 2010-7-1 03:59 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    {:6_190:} 我, {:6_138:}

lamborghini436 發表於 2010-7-1 09:17

另外今次為部XPA-5 都額外使咗唔少!
hohodog900 發表於 2010-6-30 23:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    師兄隻牛好大隻 d水塘又系大大支{:6_193:}

chhanthony 發表於 2010-7-1 09:38

另外今次為部XPA-5 都額外使咗唔少!
hohodog900 發表於 2010-6-30 23:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


shing517 發表於 2010-7-1 12:00


howin 發表於 2010-7-1 14:21

US$719 + shipping USD158.57
hohodog900 發表於 2010-7-1 00:28 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


hohodog900 發表於 2010-7-2 08:33

講番XPA-5嘅表現,一句講晒"掂到冇朋友"試好多經典試機位表現都好過LX90內置嘅Power Amp,最神奇就喺對MK後置都好咗,我未曾試過對後置Fell到有低頻出嚟,初初聽都嚇咗—跳,所以話力水大喺有D著數!
8.3) 就—定要入埋XPA-5,呢7K唔慳得!
但喺去到聽歌用Pure Direct Mode 就覺得對8.3D低頻好硬,可能重未煲好,中高就幾好,唔知喺51FD放歌唔好定喺有其他問題,等部83出院先再試下。

rklpoon 發表於 2010-7-2 10:09

Anyone ordered the UMC-1?I paid upfront before 30 June so as to qualify for the free new remote but told them to hold shipment for the final code.But today I received a tracking no. telling me the UMC-1 will arrive 5 July (next Monday). I can only hope the UMC-1 arrives in good shape and has no major issues.{:1_250:}

howin 發表於 2010-7-2 10:42

Anyone ordered the UMC-1?I paid upfront before 30 June so as to qualify for the free new remote bu ...
rklpoon 發表於 2010-7-2 10:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    I do wait for your further report, since I'm interested in it too. Thanks{:1_347:}

rklpoon 發表於 2010-7-2 10:52

本帖最後由 rklpoon 於 2010-7-2 10:58 編輯

Just got an e-mail from Dan Lufman that they will try to recall the shipment if possible.

The reasons for waiting for the UMC-1 final code:-

1) Cost of reutruning is prohibitive.

2) Firmware updating can be tricky as evidenced by many UMC-1 users(different OS, different hardware)

3) I used to build up/assemble PC from components(I've studied Microsoft MCSE for leisure some eight years ago) -MB, CPU, RAM, HDD, Display card, etc.and set-up wireless network for my relatives/friends.But sometimes the computer hardware/software things haunted me and now I pay some fee for the shop to do the assembly for me instead.

My latest haunt by PC is that I used to have a fanless ATI-4350 display card, think it is a bit too hot, swapped for a fan version and then it failed to output 1080P 24hz, exchanged for another new card and the issue remained, finally ended up trading the display card for a HDD and use the old display card.

4) I can live up with the UMC-1 video pass-through and bass management issue (don't know if I can tell the difference) but the audio drop-out is the main issue. I don't connect cable TV box and I will connect a HTPC with a bunch of BR files and a panasonic BDP-55 blu-ray player to UMC-1. I have actually posted a thread to solicit comment in the forum (one reply so far but it seems my concern is legitimate):-

HDMI is a joke, see my other post:-
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