vins007 發表於 2010-10-25 18:40

音壓計未到手... 可能要WEEKEND 先試到. 會再REPORT!

Vader 發表於 2010-10-25 20:47

Onkyo 說明書好似話任何一隻speaker係4ohms就set做4!

vins007 發表於 2010-10-26 11:23

Onkyo 說明書好似話任何一隻speaker係4ohms就set做4!
Vader 發表於 2010-10-25 20:47

真係!? 等我今晚check check先. 但係其實我之前試過set 4ohms, 又好似無分別 (不過試咗幾分鐘 only, 驚住唔啱settings 會出事)

botaksyh82 發表於 2010-10-26 13:55

i'm using onkyo 607 too... all speakers i set 4 ohms, before that i set 6 ohms for all the speakers then my friends told me to try 4 ohms the sound will be better.

botaksyh82 發表於 2010-10-26 13:55

i'm using onkyo 607 too... all speakers i set 4 ohms, before that i set 6 ohms for all the speakers then my friends told me to try 4 ohms the sound will be better.

botaksyh82 發表於 2010-10-26 13:56

i'm using onkyo 607 too... all speakers i set 4 ohms, before that i set 6 ohms for all the speakers then my friends told me to try 4 ohms the sound will be better.

vins007 發表於 2010-10-26 14:07

i'm using onkyo 607 too... all speakers i set 4 ohms, before that i set 6 ohms for all the speakers...
botaksyh82 發表於 2010-10-26 13:56

It draw more power?

botaksyh82 發表於 2010-10-26 14:27

currently i'm using 7.1 for my speakers... the sound feel more powerful... when i set to 4 ohms... clearer than 6 ohms

vins007 發表於 2010-10-26 14:52

currently i'm using 7.1 for my speakers... the sound feel more powerful... when i set to 4 ohms... c ...
botaksyh82 發表於 2010-10-26 14:27

好.. 等我今晚試試先.

vins007 發表於 2010-11-7 13:17

好.. 等我今晚試試先.
vins007 發表於 2010-10-26 14:52

各位 C Hings,
音壓計到手, 玩咗一晚, 有以下問題, 請賜教!!
1. 用ONKYO AUTO CAL. @vol 25 再SET 一次, 得出結果:
R/L/C: -8db, FHR/L: -7db, SRR/L: -9db, SW: -15db
問題1: 607 應用咩volume去做AUTO CAL. 我見過有人話25 係standard (607 個vol range 應該係 0-80)
2. 再用音壓計 test (75db) @vol 50, 得出結果:
R/L/C: +6/4/6db, FHR/L: +7/8db, SRR/L: +5/8db, SW: MAX (50% of SW max volume)
問題2: 我係先用vol 25去tune. 但係去到 MAX +12db 都係得嗰 65db, 之後我將vol 推到50 先得到以上數據
問題3: 個SW 最終我用 -2db (80% of SW max volume), 會唔會谷得個SW 太勁? (

用音壓計得出結果, 果然同 AUTO CAL. 差天共地, 而家detail & 立體咗好多, 有時重覺得SR 太大添. 中置都係尚待改善, SW而家好勁 (因為同AUTO CAL 相差+15db, 好驚俾人投訴)
問題4: 有冇人用PS3 MEDIA PLAYER STREAM MUSIC? 係唔係俾起用PS3播CD大聲好多?! 我而家睇戲用35, PS3 stream music 用25 or lower.(
頁: 1 [2] 3
查看完整版本: 新手一問, Onkyo 607 Settings, 多多賜教

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