::: 高清銳視N3 個官網close 左成個星期:::
本帖最後由 seelam 於 2010-6-16 00:46 編輯官方個討論區close 左成個星期,唔知係咪D 人日日追個firmware update,連回應都費事;最怕佢根本無打算再出firmware.......
2月10 日更新到而家,都成4個月,最慘佢仲有咁多問題未解決
唔解決D bug 唔係睇唔到,但係有d人因為佢個bug ( 擴音機對應問題),等到頸都長埋。{:6_132:}
http://www.hihihd.com/forumindex.aspx it is really a concern for buying this kind of 山寨 product. it is always a problem if they can afford for the cost to renew the firmware from time to time while they may not have the new products coming up.. that means they earned enough from the market and no time to invest any more just to earn the "reputation" 我係其它地方睇到評論,話佢地除左closed forum, 仲有人話其它地方都收起左不再買,好似有問咁,我覺得呢次真係只好認傻仔.......
山寨真係山寨......... {:6_168:} 唔係化 ......... 希望唔係真架啦 {:6_125:}
Re: ::: 高清銳視N3 個官網close 左成個星期:::
步hd8a後塵,找香港代理問問la- 发送自我的大板凳应用 步hd8a後塵,找香港代理問問la
- 发送自我的大板凳应用
hintel 發表於 2010-6-16 13:07 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
今日見到..... 仲有希望呢
http://avbuzz.com/bbs/av/av-thread-117122.html {:6_182:} 我都睇到,希望係真,但要官網確認作準,希望佢唔係最后一個firmware{:6_213:}