Hi, anyone using homeplug at home? Is it faster than using wi-fi (802.11N)? I saw Aztech has new 1G homeplug selling and thinking to buy it or not, the price is very high (~$680 each)! 買200mb 都ok啦 我用緊 Aztech 200M,唔錯,超快,快過 802.11n 多多聲! 用咗 homeplug 之後, 會否令屋企供電網絡產生大量 noise?玩影音既師兄可能比較在意呢一點 從來未用過的產品{:6_234:} I bought aztech 200M finally (model: 110E), it claims energy saving. The speed is very good. I used wifi before, the speed really improved a lot. I use Panasonic Homeplug only!!! aztech 200M 好野黎嫁
現在咩價位? 回復 7# smalltaste
ching, i use also the same 其實 Homeplug 真係幾實用架.
另有要求的師兄都用晒有 Filter 既拖板, 所以都無問題既.
而 200M 既 Homeplug 其實係 100上100落咁既意思, 即係話佢可以差唔多做到普通插住線既速度, 同 Wifi 真係無得比架.