nccfan 發表於 2010-6-15 12:00

Unable re-install WinXP...Help

CHING 們, 小弟欲想從新再裝(re-install) WinXp 但遇到麻煩!....希請 CHING 們指教如下:-

我已 Checked 過....Harddisk(format咗) and Bios 完全正常 (己確認有 CD/DVD Rom & Harddisk, 亦 setting = 1st Boot Device <CD/DVD Rom>, 2nd <Hard Disk>)
每當開機 isnatll WinXp的時候.......Screen 就顯示 < Press any key to boot from CD..... NTLDR is missing. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart >
當然我按嘜嘢 Key 都 Hang 晒機!{:1_336:}......請CHING 高手指點!{:1_259:}

Note : 想從新安裝 WinXP之前....都機正常行 WinXp 兼 (加裝 令一個 Harddisk 使用Ubuntu Linux)

ming 發表於 2010-6-15 12:07


obee 發表於 2010-6-15 12:35

You should make sure your computer is boot from the XP setup disc (CD-ROM), but not the hard disk. As I know, the system requires to boot twice from CD-ROM in order to complete the installation.

The whole installation needs to boot 3 times, as following:
1st time, boot from XP CD, go into blue screen and format the hard disk, copy some file
2nd time, boot from XP CD again, go into simple GUI screen (with mouse), it asks you the computer name, network config, and install the rest file
3rd time, installation complete, boot from hard disk into XP, input some extra information and computer the whole installation.

nccfan 發表於 2010-6-15 13:50

回復 4# kleehkg

    Dear klenneth_obee, kleehkg & ming,
    Noted with many thanks!{:1_245:} {:1_351:}
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