各位師兄, 有冇人知道東京新宿同橫濱邊到有平過又底過香港嘅影音野買呀?如 2手藍光碟, 配件, HDMI, 等等. 如果知, 唔該提供地址, thx 可以講比你聽係冇架。啲所謂二手,一啲都唔平。留港消費啦。 可以講比你聽係冇架。啲所謂二手,一啲都唔平。留港消費啦。buyo 發表於 2010-6-15 11:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
100% agreed these 2nd handed stuff are not cheap in Japan but for branded names power cord, hdmi cables etc,
you need to do price comparisons in Hong Kong against their concerned web-sites beforehand.Sometimes, you get
surprises even yen rates are that high nowadays ! 100% agreed these 2nd handed stuff are not cheap in Japan but for branded names power cord, hdmi...
digiman 發表於 2010-6-15 11:48 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thanks digi hing, But what kind of power cord, or even hdmi is worth to buy there ,and cheaper? Such as what brand? 有!我係東京住左幾年。
AKIHABARA最多,但搵唔搵平靚正好野要睇彩數! It very much depends on what you need and I have had experiences on Japanese brands like furutec, oyaide, SAEC etc.Suggest you check HK prices with web-sites like yodobashi etc. 基本上香港已經比日本平了...現在日元咁高{:1_336:} 有!我係東京住左幾年。
danielle 發表於 2010-6-15 11:51 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Ching, could you tell me what kind of good deal to can find in Akihabara? ( and which part of tokyo, address info )? blu ray or power cord orplayer?
Thanks again. 秋葉原 米係Akihabara囉,你真係唔知秋葉原係咩﹖{:6_136:}我怕你去到都係雞同鴨講。 回復 9# buyo
Please visit this 2 website and you may get some information out there.
I must visit this 2 shop when I travel in Tokyohttp://www.dynamicaudio.jp/
AVAC in akihabara
Dynamic 5555