發表於 2010-6-27 01:17
E+ 隻濾波火牛係15年前買落嘅,因我末濾波拖板,所以暫時無得比較。
致於bd 24P 的表現,要等我買了BD 先試 ...
digcom 發表於 2010-6-27 01:05 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
呢部唔係IDTV, 跳過2次台應該都唔會關部TV事
CHING 記得初初唔好較得對比度太強
發表於 2010-6-27 12:22
本帖最後由 digcom 於 2010-6-27 12:49 編輯
各位準備收機嘅ching,安裝時請留意背後嘅 label
留意 MANUFACTURED : JUNE 2010 ,大家就安心D喇。
發表於 2010-6-27 16:21
回復 70# darren14
發表於 2010-6-27 16:30
各位準備收機嘅ching,安裝時請留意背後嘅 label
留意 MANUFACTURED : JUNE 2010 ,大家就安心D喇。 ...
Ching, 謝謝提醒.LG 50 PK550 變成 LG 50 PK550 R-TA (韓國製造).希望比較好{:1_264:}
發表於 2010-6-28 01:01
{:5_77:}我訂機時間比你早,但仍未收到通知, 睇黎要打去催催佢了
發表於 2010-6-28 07:46
遲到早退, 先上岸
發表於 2010-6-28 17:09
已確定星期三送貨, 期盼中
發表於 2010-7-1 02:58
回復 77# Benson
benson hing :
我都收左機了今天, 初步試反應理想 , 睇碟效果OK , 但睇電影一陣已有燒印出現, 未試真, 睇下會唔會消失先
發表於 2010-7-1 06:18
回復 79# timmy
Timmy Hing:
Here attached a report for your reference:
Usually it takes at least about 100-150 hours of use before you get the best picture quality from a plasma display, nevermind the brand. For that reason, it is always good to arrange a serious calibration (and/or test) when the display has 200 hours or more.
The best way I suggest you for doing the initial break-in, for those who are interested in that, is to use a 100 IRE pattern (full white), and run it on the display for about 2 hours for session. Then turn off the TV and leaving it off for 1 hour or more, so that the electronics and the panel get perfectly cool, and then repeat the session, and so on. Contrast should be set around 70%, and power saving function to low (or to off if the "low" option is not available). You can also use the internal timer from the OSD to turn off the TV (I don't know how it works on these new models). About 100 hours of break-in by using that system, and you will be OK
The interesting thing on the LGs plasma, on the previous 2008 and 2009 series, and I guess it is the same for these new models, is that you have that 100 IRE (full white) pattern available from the OSD. On the E.U. 2008 models its name was "refreshPDP". They offer it to clean the display in case of bad IR, but it is also perfect for the break-in
BTW, there should be also the "Orbiter" (I don't know the exact name on these new U.S. models) function available from the same OSD setup (if you don't find it on that setup, search for it in the PDF manual). It helps to reduce image retention (IR), and it is always a very good thing to use it during gaming.
發表於 2010-7-1 06:19
回復 79# timmy
Timmy Hing: A report for your reference:
Usually it takes at least about 100-150 hours of use before you get the best picture quality from a plasma display, nevermind the brand. For that reason, it is always good to arrange a serious calibration (and/or test) when the display has 200 hours or more.
The best way I suggest you for doing the initial break-in, for those who are interested in that, is to use a 100 IRE pattern (full white), and run it on the display for about 2 hours for session. Then turn off the TV and leaving it off for 1 hour or more, so that the electronics and the panel get perfectly cool, and then repeat the session, and so on. Contrast should be set around 70%, and power saving function to low (or to off if the "low" option is not available). You can also use the internal timer from the OSD to turn off the TV (I don't know how it works on these new models). About 100 hours of break-in by using that system, and you will be OK
The interesting thing on the LGs plasma, on the previous 2008 and 2009 series, and I guess it is the same for these new models, is that you have that 100 IRE (full white) pattern available from the OSD. On the E.U. 2008 models its name was "refreshPDP". They offer it to clean the display in case of bad IR, but it is also perfect for the break-in
BTW, there should be also the "Orbiter" (I don't know the exact name on these new U.S. models) function available from the same OSD setup (if you don't find it on that setup, search for it in the PDF manual). It helps to reduce image retention (IR), and it is always a very good thing to use it during gaming.