marvintai 發表於 2010-6-11 22:57

Internet Radio + TV Player USB

Any ching use "Internet Radio + TV Player USB?
My USB does not work today (It was perfect working last few weeks)....
Any hint? blocked?

obee 發表於 2010-6-11 23:24

What is your device? Please give more basic information.
Is it a USB TV stick?
What computer you are using? XP? Win7?
What model is the USB stick?
What software you use to play the TV / internet radio?

Most important, is it related to AV? Or it should be a "computer" troubleshooting issue?

skenstudio 發表於 2010-6-11 23:48

呢到係[高清影院與硬件討論區 ]...你果支點用架

marvintai 發表於 2010-6-12 03:30

my device is just a USB TV internet player....normally I just need to plug the device to my PC...then....all the TV channel will be listed.And then I can choice any channel.
But just today....I totally not it said the backend server or internet connection is unavailable.

obee 發表於 2010-6-12 08:35

my device is just a USB TV internet player....normally I just need to plug the device to my PC...the ...
marvintai 發表於 2010-6-12 03:30

Okay, usually case like yours can be solved by uninstall the device driver and re-install it. If things not back to normal, then you have to flash back what you have done between the last time the TV stick works and it fails. Try to figure out what you have been installed to the system. Then try to uninstall them.

ming 發表於 2010-6-12 10:46

係咪server down左呀
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