哩隻室內天線係ssp幾錢呀?? 觀塘買$#@)Around @%)-@^) at Ap Liu Street as I had got one last year. Around @%)-@^) at Ap Liu Street as I had got one last year.
pangling 發表於 2010-6-11 15:13 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
thx!! 係咪用左呢隻野觀塘都收到CCTV HD? 昨日見到 250 I want to know too!
ryanenen 發表於 2010-6-11 17:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
係咪用左呢隻野觀塘都收到CCTV HD?
googleli 發表於 2010-6-11 16:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
所以等我做死士,出ssp買黎試吓!! 所以等我做死士,出ssp買黎試吓!!
747-300 發表於 2010-6-11 17:18 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
剛見到價錢@^) 接收其實同8仔盒仔天線係咪差唔多? I think so but you cannot tune the strength of the signal for this model. 唔使買咁貴,百幾蚊既8仔仔已好好收