HSBX 信用卡 Promotion 個L記LED TV
有冇CHING 知道HSBX信用卡 Promotion 個L記LED TV抵唔抵?{:6_141:} where is the promotion? in electronic stores or what? thx..{:5_84:} where is the promotion? in electronic stores or what? thx..hearter 發表於 2010-6-7 14:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
New credit card member promotion 要比錢~~成9500蚊....我就唔揀LG了... 9千幾42吋係LG一定唔諗 9千幾不如揀P記42" G10 多謝晒咁多位CHING 意見。諗住想買部唔太差嘅LED TV 擺房, 咁都係再睇睇喇 好似出面街價都係$9xxx http://digital.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php?tid=12053161&extra=page%3D2
有人收了貨 我都好耐冇去行過..又炒又鬧..唔啱聽又要人成家人出黎{:6_235:}