hand神 發表於 2007-5-20 16:54

class fm的top 50的配樂選舉結果

Classic FM’s top 50
1. Lord of the Rings(魔戒系列) (Howard Shore)
2. Gladiator(帝國驕雄) (Hans Zimmer)
3. Schindler’s List(舒特拉的名單) (John Williams)
4. Star Wars: A New Hope(星球大戰:新的希望) (John Williams)
5. Out of Africa(非洲之旅) (John Barry)
6. Dances With Wolves(與狼共舞) (John Barry)
7. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest(加勒比海盜之決戰魔盜船) (Hans
8. The Mission (Ennio Morricone)
9. Jurassic Park(侏羅紀公園) (John Williams)
10. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone(哈利波特之神秘的魔法石) (John
11. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl(魔盜王之決戰鬼盜船)
(Klaus Badelt)
12. The Magnificent Seven - Elmer Bernstein)
13. Ladies In Lavender (Nigel Hess)
14. Gone With the Wind (Max Steiner)
15. Dangerous Moonlight (Richard Addinsell)
16. Pride & Prejudice(傲慢與偏見) (Dario Marianelli)
17. E.T. The Extra Terrestrial (e.t.外星人)(John Williams)
18. The Piano(鋼琴別戀) (Michael Nyman)
19. 633 Squadron (Ron Goodwin)
20. Raiders of the Lost Ark (John Williams)
21. Henry V (William Walton)
22. The Last Samurai(最後武士) (Hans Zimmer)
23. Titanic(鐵達尼號) (James Horner)
24. Sense & Sensibility(理智與感情) (Patrick Doyle)
25. Once Upon a Time in the West (Ennio Morricone)
26. Cinema Paradiso(星光伴我心) (Ennio Morricone)
27. American Beauty(美麗有罪) (Thomas Newman)
28. Superman The Movie(超人) (John Williams)
29. The Gadfly (Dmitri Shostakovich)
30. The Hours(此時此刻) (Philip Glass)
31. The Godfather(教父) (Nino Rota)
32. Braveheart (驚世未了緣)(James Horner)
33. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire(哈利波特之火杯的考驗) (Patrick Doyle)
34. The Empire Strikes Back(星球大戰之帝國反撃戰) (John Williams)
35. The Unforgettable Year 1919 (Dmitri Shostakovich)
36. The Da Vinci Code(達文西密碼) (Hans Zimmer)
37. Becoming Jane (Adrian Johnston)
38. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin (Stephen Warbeck)
39. Memoirs of a Geisha(藝伎回憶錄) (John Williams)
40. Born on the Fourth of July(生於七月四號) (John Williams)
41. The Big Country (Jerome Moross)
42. Les Choristes (Bruno Coulais)
43. The Illusionist (Philip Glass)
44. Merchant of Venice (Jocelyn Pook)
45. King Arthur (Hans Zimmer)
46. Angels in America (Thomas Newman)
47. Apollo 13(太陽神十三號) (James Horner)
48. Emma (Rachel Portman)
49. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon(卧虎藏龍) (Tan Dun)
50. Back to the Future(回到未來) (Alan Silvestri)

hand神 發表於 2007-5-20 16:55

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