師兄d 玩具入晒流啦....
btw, 點解用green fuse 唔用銠白金 ?
kleehkg 發表於 2010-6-7 11:00 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
The green fuse is rhodium plated. I made the comparison between the blue fuse and green fuse, the result turned out that the green one is more favorable in my system. However, my SC-LX72 is using the blue one. Thanks for all ching's comments!! {:1_249:}{:1_249:}{:1_249:}
There are still rooms of improvement in my system and I wish all ching here could shed me some light in the area which needed to be improve. 收買爛銅爛鐵{:1_344:} 本帖最後由 carpediem 於 2012-10-4 13:31 編輯
del....... 回復 37# carpediem
煲完啲水都多幾度{:6_176:} 呢個煲水煲線法,都條第一次見{:6_165:} 精品組合呀.... 水煲煲線法玩2CH HIFI 既師兄經常用...但係有失敗例子...會煲壞線...所以師兄小心D 水煲煲線法玩2CH HIFI 既師兄經常用...但係有失敗例子...會煲壞線...所以師兄小心D ...
francis_leung21 發表於 2010-6-15 12:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
點解會煲壞線呢,唔明,可唔可以深入淺出講解下{:6_141:} 至於點解我都唔係太明...總之煲完之後就廢佐..可能關電流事....HIFI 線係設計俾音響用...電器係粗用...
本帖最後由 carpediem 於 2012-10-4 13:31 編輯del.......