你全套都係qu ...
Ferrero 發表於 2010-6-5 13:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thanks! Any good suggestion of power cable? 換咗Power amp條PC先啦, 原裝線的控制力有限, 大棚一定亂,
有幾多budget? 想要乜音色及效果? 係咪用英式? 會唔會換美式?
你換PC時要留意線材的音色, 不要亂換。
如果你係要求高的話, 不要期望換一條pc便可完全妀善問題。 i better save the money to change the speaker.
i will not pay 1k power cord if the speaker cannot perform what you need. borrow some cabel from friends to play with first and see what level of your system can be.
playing classical just like car climb the slope. just like a corolla fill in over #100 oil! even though it helps a bit but you cannot run as big cc car. 回復 1# sbwong
sbwong Ching , 你甘既架生 但係 只係 配對 11L !!!
小弟 建議 換對 座地 speaker 先 , 其它野慢慢再搞 !!! 回復 13# matt
絕對同意 matt Ching 既 建議 !! 本人並沒有用RCA cable連接CD player 和amp的,是用Quad 跟機的Quadlink線將它們接駁。
也聽過人說不用Q ...
sbwong 發表於 2010-6-5 15:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
I think the first problem should be in speaker, so, change the speaker first.
For RCA cable, you can consider audioquest, oyaide or even China made Choseal are good under 1K. 本帖最後由 ericc 於 2010-6-6 02:24 編輯
全 set Quad 真係甘樣wor,11L 書架除非你用好高班amp推,線材係幫你改變音色,唔會改變問題,如花大量金錢試線,不如換對易推d座地最實際,日後升級換amp都好攪d.