頭先諗住上網訂supra既hami~唔知點解張東亞既master card 試過好多次都俾唔到錢~有無c兄知點解? 本帖最後由 hkbomberman 於 2010-6-4 02:41 編輯There are SecureCode which is preset in your bank web site.In every purchase on web, you should be asked to enter it in order to validate the purchase.
Example of Standard Chartered Bank:
http://www.standardchartered.com.hk/personal-banking/creditcard/secure-online/en/ 俾唔到錢,咪可慳多一筆囉{:6_174:} 尼筆唔慳得{:6_203:} 可能係"網上交易"o既"授權"問題, 有唔少銀行要求客戶事先要登記/申請o左, 先可以進行網上交易!
(我用恆生就係咁! ) SecureCode問題 上返東亞卡類服務 睇睇