用緊PS3 SLIM ,如果升級去PIONEER BDP320,改善大嗎?
用緊PS3 SLIM ,如果升級去PIONEER BDP320,改善大嗎? If budget is limited, go for Oppo.You will not regret and it also plays a lot of other formats like SACD and DVD-Audio as well. i have the same question 2 !!! how about lx-52 and oppo 83?(normal edition)??is it much better than ps3?? Pioneer BDP-09FD la{:6_193:} 我有PS3 slim,後來都買咗部23FD,主要因為想搬返部PS3入房,費時要打機時霸住廳部電視。
同埋Pioneer機真係機慢,放入隻碟入去,幾十秒個screen都冇反應,淨係寫住loading,好鬼似hang機咁。 我有PS3 slim,後來都買咗部23FD,主要因為想搬返部PS3入房,費時要打機時霸住廳部電視。
兩者畫面上有分別 ...
kc2wong 發表於 2010-6-3 01:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
重點重要TV 高Grade D, 部電視唔得,出來D 畫面就像Ps3效果 That's true, my TV is a cheap old model {:1_338:}
回復 8# dxvmon2000 本帖最後由 dxvmon2000 於 2010-6-3 01:23 編輯
i have the same question 2 !!! how about lx-52 and oppo 83?(normal edition)??
is it much better than ...
Sifopean 發表於 2010-6-3 00:06 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
不過LX52 其實幾好用, 自己哀貪心想轉OPPO 83 normal edition, 不過其實畫面不是超好, 我只係想試一試 SACD DSD/HDCD 效果, 同類比7.1 好不好聲!
我在R33 二手 post左 LX52
kc2wong 補多句Pioneer D 機慢工出細貨 ma! 回復 10# dxvmon2000
Thanks for everybody reply, now i want to consider philps BD9500 for upgrade 用緊PS3 SLIM ,如果升級去PIONEER BDP320,改善大嗎?
rukawa20001 發表於 2010-6-2 23:30 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif