本帖最後由 tennishk 於 2010-6-2 22:10 編輯想買部HTPC,但完全冇認識,同最平要幾錢落樓?
http://hk.f1.page.auctions.yahoo.com/hk/auction/1118738353 Can you share with us what is the use of the HTPC?
Watch moive, as a computer source?
Without such info, it is very difficult to advise. Can you share with us what is the use of the HTPC?
Watch moive, as a computer source?
Without such ...
bb1668 發表於 2010-6-2 22:07 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
thx even normal PC can do what you are describe of! If solely for watching movie (but not for ripping movie), I think it is better to buy a media player instead.If your requirement is not too high (e.g. no HD AV Amp which can decode DTSMA signals), you can get a fairly decent media player (with remote control and HDMI connectivity to your home TV) which can play Blu-ray iso files for HK$800 only.A classic example will be Himedia 300B.
Even for high grade media player (like Allure M3), it is still retailing at HK$2100.This one can decode HD Audio and support full blu-ray menu. 我都玩咗兩年HTPC,主要用嚟睇日劇同播歌,最後放棄咗。原因如下
- 火牛同風扇都有聲,雖然唔大聲,但聽緊歌時有噪音都幾大殺風景。
- 操控唔方便,初初用iMon控制個cursor都幾難,後來用lenovo個wireless multimedia keyboard就好啲。加上開機又要等入windows。
- 播歌啲聲麻麻,我用onkyo se200,但都覺得比唔上大陸USB DAC
而家幾舊水買咗部media player,加部EEEPC 901同USB DAC,我覺得好過以前用HTPC kc2wong Hing,
"而家幾舊水買咗部media player,加部EEEPC 901同USB DAC,我覺得好過以前用HTPC"
This is exactly what I want to hammer about.If for multimedia use, it is usual better off to buy a media player instead.
You have made a very good point in combining a netbook/nettop with a media player/USB DAC. 我都玩咗兩年HTPC,主要用嚟睇日劇同播歌,最後放棄咗。原因如下
- 火牛同風扇都有聲,雖然唔大聲,但聽緊 ...
kc2wong 發表於 2010-6-2 22:28 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
唔該晒師兄,請問你講既(media player,加部EEEPC 901同USB DAC)是什麼?
thx 唔該晒師兄,請問你講既(media player,加部EEEPC 901同USB DAC)是什麼?
thx ...
tennishk 發表於 2010-6-2 22:36 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
media player 專係拎0黎播 movie source...
EEEPC 901 係一部netbook...
USB DAC....你當佢係一張 external sound card....可以用usb/coaxial/digital 由 pc 去DAC 再出amp media player 專係拎0黎播 movie source...
EEEPC 901 係一部netbook...
USB DAC....你當佢係一張 extern ...
jackiewong518 發表於 2010-6-2 22:53 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thank you