Einstein 發表於 2010-6-2 21:37

為upgarde 到 Win 7 + ATI 5750 DTS-HD Bitsteam 點燈作準備

為upgarde 到 Win 7 + ATI 5750 DTS-HD Bitsteam 點燈作準備

而家My PC 用 Win XP , 會upgarde 到 Win 7ATI 5750 sound card (HDMI) > Yamaha 3800.....得各大師兄幫忙已有5.1聲有1080p畫,只play PC blu ray file, 有BDP在AV system, 故唔會直play Blu ray嚮PC...

要download d 什麼?用什麼sofeware player好? 點set up...? Thanks

Asus P5QL-SE P43 Main Board(6ch, GigaLan)
InteL Core 2 Duo Processor E7500(2.93GHz/1066MHz FSB /3MB L2 Cacha)
Kingston 2GB DDR-2 800 RAM x 2pcs
Sapphire Radeon HD5750 1GB DDR PCI display card (HDMI DVI x 2)
Cooler Master Elite 330 ATX Tower case
Cooler Master Extreme Power Plus RS-460 460W power supply

Win 7 + ATI 5750 DTS-HD Bitsteam 點燈> Yamaha 3800 av amp > SamSung LCD TV...

Einstein 發表於 2010-6-2 22:33

cyberken 發表於 2010-6-2 21:50 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    有PS3 & BDP wor, 另有什麼好處... PC 可以直看Internet TV...etc? Ching, 請指教...? which maodel, any suggestions?

blairzhong 發表於 2010-6-2 22:52

powerdvd 10

Einstein 發表於 2010-6-2 23:05

powerdvd 10
blairzhong 發表於 2010-6-2 22:52 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Thanks Ching , Only PowerDVD is OK...? How about the setting...?{:6_195:}

hkbomberman 發表於 2010-6-2 23:54

Alternative for PowerDVD: Total Media Threatre 3

Free software:
Media Player Classic - Home Cinema and Direct Show ffaudio

2. 安裝最新版FFDSHOW


4.打開MPC-HC的設定選項-〉外部篩選器-〉新增ffdshow Audio Decoder->回前頁設成“偏好”

5.打開MPC-HC的設定選項-〉輸出-〉DirectShow音訊下拉式功能表選擇“DirectSound:ATI HDMI Output(ATI High Definition Audio Device)"


Einstein 發表於 2010-6-3 13:55

Alternative for PowerDVD: Total Media Threatre 3

Free software:
Media Player Classic - Home Cinema ...
hkbomberman 發表於 2010-6-2 23:54 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    Good wor, CHing, Lee 2個方案玩法都有聽過, 你覺得邊個easy set up d...?邊個好d...?邊個support format 多d...?Thanks

hkbomberman 發表於 2010-6-3 19:32

本帖最後由 hkbomberman 於 2010-6-3 19:34 編輯

My first choice is MPC - Home Cinema and ffdshow now because:

- It does not check region codes of your BD and BD Player.Playing almost any type of media files and continue to play any upcoming types.
- Use file explorer, browse BDMV-Stream folders directly, click to play INSTANTLY any selected files. Skipping all those anti-piracy notice, FBI warning, movie/DTS/Dobly trailers, etc.
- Click to play any point of the progress bar of the movie being played instead of using Chapter search/skip, fast forward / backward.
- If you like complexity, you can try different types of filters like those in PowerDVD.But it is really killing your time and you.
- Mostly importantly, it is FREE OF CHARGE! {:6_185:}

Einstein 發表於 2010-6-3 20:30

My first choice is MPC - Home Cinema and ffdshow now because:

- It does not check region codes of y ...
hkbomberman 發表於 2010-6-3 19:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    CHing, Got it. I think that is good and fit for me. Thanks for your kind sharing...{:6_195:}

kobewilliam 發表於 2010-6-3 22:20

師兄順帶一問, 其實 XP + Powerdvd 10 + bluray player + N咭 可唔可以點燈呢?

hkbomberman 發表於 2010-6-3 23:51

So far, the latest and the most expensive Nvidia display cards have no HDMI bitstream function.{:6_123:}
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