各位CHING, 小弟想幫對喇叭腳灌沙, B&W平嘢, 每隻雙鐵筒(左/右)請問用鋼珠bearing還是石英沙好? 請指教, 先謝! 用乜都好,千奇唔好過腳架一半D聲會好死,因為我試過 In my case, 石英沙好D.But as the other C-Hing said, just half-fill the stand. 回復 4# bb1668
thanks bb1668 Ching, 請問石英沙有無分粗幼?? 先謝 回復 5# yoes
When I bought the sand, I did not recall I was given a choice.Accordingly, I guess there is only one type of sand in that shop. 石英沙好啲... 問個B&W他叫我買的 where can buy 石英沙?? where can buy 石英沙??
fshair 發表於 2010-6-6 00:21 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
灣仔駱克道282號...全利建材 回復 9# KEI
Many thanks!