http://www.hificables.co.uk/11594/Qed-Reference-HDMI.html 請問qed reference 同aq hdmi-x 邊隻好d? saved approx HKD50 only.....not too cheap...anyway, tks for information.kleehkg 發表於 2010-6-2 14:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
下? 咩線來? The QED cable's quality is just average.However, for that price, you cannot complain. The QED cable's quality is just average.However, for that price, you cannot complain.
bb1668 發表於 2010-6-2 14:13 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
買好@@? Qed 10% off? 上兩個月我喺cableshop買兩條2m QED reference hdmi,特價左都要$774一條 回復 3# ronan
兩條我都有,hdmi-x無特別,QED reference聲實在啲,畫面乾淨啲 有沒人會買0 0