Blu-ray Player or HD Media Player
近日見Pioneer BDP320好平, 想正式入番部Blu-Ray Player 黎播BD (之前用PS3播, 但出唔到HD音效), 我用開HD Media Player, 其實播同一隻BD, 兩者有幾大分別? 請賜教! 如果我係睇演唱會多啲呢? 會唔會大分別啲呢? If you've high end media player, I think it can produce high quality of sound too.I don't see particular differences as the BD player reading digital file on blu-ary disc just same as media player reading digital file from hard disk from the input point of view.And both can output by I guess not much difference either.
Perhaps other Chings will correct me since I'm just newbie.
Btw, I don't own any high end media player / BDP.Just have cheap cheap HD300A and BDP-S370.