rklpoon 發表於 2010-5-31 00:00


Reproduced(previouly in the Onkyo PR-SC5507 relay clicking) here in a new thread:-

My personal feeling of the implementation of HDMI is a crap.Maybe the 1080p resolution and high bitrate of HD audio require it.To the customer, it is a duplication and higher cost.For example, video processing in the Blu-ray player, in the av amp and finally in the display. Blu-ray is already 1080p/24hz so the video upscale is not necessary. I don't watch dvd anymore these days. 1080p/24z straight foward from the blu-ray player would be sufficent. Just imagine if there is no video processng in the av amp, the price of it should be in general be lower (alhough the Cary 11a is an exception). HDMI audio is even worse, relay clicling and audio dropout is not uncomoneven after years of implementation of HDMI. Japanses amp is better than the non-Japanese brand in this aspect. But the relay clickng even in the Pr-Sc5507 is unacceptable in its price range. Handshake problems still presist :- for instance, no problem for a BR player straight to the display; add an av amp in between and there is no picture althuogh the BR player, av amp and display are all hdmi compatiable. Individual manufacturer denys responsibility and put the blame on the other party.The customer learnt the incompatiablility in the hard way-only found out after paying for the expensive gears.This is my grievance and sorry if I have been over-reacted.

rklpoon 發表於 2010-7-2 10:58

回復 2# kleehkg

    The customer is the loser of the game.
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