KUNGKUNG 發表於 2010-6-6 14:08

回復 20# djaddy

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2009-10-26 10:16 編輯

Ching 既 post 我已經 review 過啦 !
呢段 係 灌沙 精華 !!!


To eliminate harmonic vibrations, I have experimented with many different materials for 灌沙線. I tested, (深)海底幼沙, 碳粉, 鋼沙, 石英沙 & 澳門黑幼沙 (contains 海綠石). Each of these materials have different properties. Hence, they will have different audio characteristics. After much research, numerous tests & experiments, I conclude that high density, non intrusive materials with small grain size are the key factors for the best outcome. A portion of 碳粉is added to eliminate EMF. The best results for music (分析力, 細緻度, 高中低, 密度等) are:

1. (深)海底幼沙 + 碳粉
2. 澳門黑幼沙

djaddy 發表於 2010-6-6 14:11


本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2009-10-26 10:16 編輯

Ching 既 post 我已經 review 過啦 !
呢段 ...
KUNGKUNG 發表於 2010-6-6 14:08 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

All the best & look forward to your report!
頁: 1 2 [3]
查看完整版本: 正式入手 AEI 2.5mm 電源線 + 石英砂

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