itoy2008 發表於 2010-5-29 03:11

新手--buy many equipment and s/w... please suggest a way to play :D

I have bought a no. of devices and software... However due to my busy time, i can't reli optimize my setting.
Below is the list of my HiFi system and HTPC

TV: Sony 46
F+Center: KEF IQ-2C
SR: Klipsch
SB: Velodyne SPL-800i
BRP: PS3 Slim
CDP: Pioneer
Amp: Onkyo SR875

Intel Core2Quad,4GB RAM
MagicPro Extreme S
Mygica 8558 Pro
Bluray ROM Drive
Win7 Ultimate
ATI 5770 1GB

Software: Just bought PowerDVD v10 Ultra, it support 3D and DTS MA, DD TrueHD... But i have not install.

I have just set up a 5.1 for watch Bluray.

So 3 questions:
Q1. Any suggestion on the above setting to enjoy both bluray video and CAS?
P.S. I also want to setup a NAS to rip all Bluray i have and watch from the NAS
P.S.2. I also want to set the HTPC as my home media server, so that i can stream all video and music at bedroom and via iphone.

Q2. The mygica X8558 Pro, it is dual tuner. However, i cannot make it to record one TV channel meanwhile watch another TV channel at the same time using Windows MCE. (However, i used to use MCE to do such "dual" activities using the Hauppager Dual Tunner TV card, but it is SD, not HD.) Therefore, any suggestion to me to make such idea come true?

Q3. I want to install the newly bought Power DVD 10. But for normal TV watching without using the AMP, thus, HDMI -> TV. However, now, i want to use it for watching Bluray by PowerDVD, thus i will need to unplug it because the Vapour ATI 5770 has only 1 HDMI out, 2 DVI and 1 DM. Therefore any idea on NOT unplugging the HDMI from TV to the Amp? Using the optical out? or Coaxial out? of the HTPC to the AMP?

Q4. i want to try CAS but not using DAC, just use the HTPC optical-out to the AMP. Will it be good as DAC too?

C Hing please help suggest :D U all are so experience in these area...

itoy2008 發表於 2010-5-29 13:41

Any ching can help? Thx!!

itoy2008 發表於 2010-5-29 15:25

push ha sin
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