Onkyo 後級
本帖最後由 cessna 於 2010-5-28 23:14 編輯點解Onkyo M5500後級好似冇人講............{:6_141:}
有冇師兄用緊...??? of cos la... over priced {:6_200:} How about 5507 pre-amp/processor? Is it good and how much? 買5500, 不如買返5007, 梗係冇人玩佢啦 Lised price of 5500 is HK$18,000? Actual selling price should be lower, so how much it is actually selling? HK$15,000? Is it attractive for someone want a whole suit of Onkyo? 2萬留下既AV PRE 冇乜邊幾部..馬仔..ONKYO. ROTEL...其實一係冇HD DECODE 一係貴過2皮野....
用ONKYO 頂級INT AMP 加POWER 唔係唔得..不過INT AMP 始終INT AMP..加POWER 冇PRE+POWER 個效果咁好....其實你可以搵下2手舊款ONKYO 前級....1萬蚊到...同新款相差唔係好多...都係功能上既分別但係就貴佐50% "其實你可以搵下2手舊款ONKYO 前級....1萬蚊到"Onkyo 886 2nd hand is about 10K, but I don't like it because heat from the HQV Reon video processing chip.Only the new PR-SC5507 is better in this aspect. but if already got 707, can use pre-out to feel the beauty of power amp.
later when have $, can think to change to PR-SC5507......... If any c-hing interested at 5507,can PM to me,thx! 886都幾好{:1_352:}