law1987 發表於 2010-11-18 01:07

1. 啱自己高度 (記得記埋部機既高度)
2. joint位夠實淨
3. screw位 attach機位要 ...
lemonstar 發表於 2010-11-16 06:20 PM

i see, thx a lot~~~

kalok6 發表於 2010-11-18 08:51

我都唔知呀......2, 3 舊水得唔得??
stm 發表於 2010-5-26 00:29

wally 發表於 2010-11-20 01:04

Actually, you need to ask yourself why you need a tripod during travel. You just take scenic photos or just taking photo for yourself. If you use DC and just want to do some self taking, just get a small one. If you buy a big one, it may spoil your trip because it may cause you a lot of trouble. And are you driving or group tour? If you're group tour, don't worry about tripod, you won't have time.
And you also need to think about whether you'll do hiking or not, if you do, you really need to think about whether you'll be able to carry a big one.

To be honest, I'll suggest you to get a medium size but strong one, don't go for the big tall one, 'cause based on your setting and budget, 1. you don't need that, 2. for those cheap but tall one, it will by very shaky. Medium size one, during travelling, if its not tall enough, you can use your car, your bag, a table, etc to raise it.

Again, you need to enjoy your trip, don't spoil it by a tripod.

kengary 發表於 2010-11-20 21:15

小弟剛剛先後買左單腳同3腳+波頭, 分享一下...

單腳 - Velbon Ultra Stick L50, ~$220, 鴨記; 有5節, 夠高, 好輕, ok 粗, 夠穩
       單腳夠靈活, 用 300mm 鏡都ok
3腳- Velbon N530 $1700, CAM2; 有3節, 夠高, 1.44kg 重, 粗, 夠穩
    (亦考慮過 Manfoto190CX3, $2200;1.32kg 重,全開/昇高只係剛剛夠高,開腳亦比Velbon窄)
波頭 - PhotoClam (韓國) 30N + 快拆板, $1400, 310g 重, 聲稱可負重 30 kg...

3腳+波頭主要上 D300+384, 明天試腳

旺角星際 CAM2, DC Fever... 有好多款可以試,
有 d 一千以內3腳+波頭, 唔上大炮, 唔怕重都 ok 架

waterman 發表於 2010-11-20 23:22

咁多位ching, 我想買支單腳架, 對腳架一無所知, 呢支好唔好?
law1987 發表於 2010-11-16 09:32

之前去"肥花"買咗支SIRUI單腳架都OK, CHING可去睇睇

law1987 發表於 2010-11-21 01:23

之前去"肥花"買咗支SIRUI單腳架都OK, CHING可去睇睇
waterman 發表於 2010-11-20 11:22 PM

    聽日去睇睇先!{:6_162:} thx~~

waterman 發表於 2010-11-21 07:09

聽日去睇睇先! thx~~
law1987 發表於 2010-11-21 01:23

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