ext sound card for notebook and sound meter for cal av
any suggestion, dun want expensive , just for cal av 我自己用呢隻, 好似都係百零蚊, ssp福仁商場果間大鋪有售.http://www.post76.com/discuss/attachments/forumid_5/0910071126d05b2543633963f3.jpg
如果師兄富貴d既可以試下呢隻, 用黎聽歌都幾ok ga, 新高登好似賣7百幾~ (借線王圖片一用)
http://www.post76.com/discuss/attachments/forumid_5/090615230104834e8498ae6a01.jpg what brand is the cheaper one {:6_193:}musiland ~ 好野~ what brand is the cheaper one
tkc884 發表於 2010-5-25 15:01 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
個PACKING我掉左喇, 你當佢無牌子啦, 如果你出去買既, 搵部電話影低張相, 上去一問人就知~ (福仁得一間大既電腦週邊配件鋪)