SmallEar 發表於 2010-5-25 01:28

係用緊 G10 + BDP 83se nu
G10 無set 過
但睇變形金剛 2時. sharp 爆 +唔覺有 noise 喎{:6_141:}

dxvmon2000 發表於 2010-5-25 02:36

係用緊 G10 + BDP 83se nu
G10 無set 過
但睇變形金剛 2時. sharp 爆 +唔覺有 noise 喎 ...
SmallEar 發表於 2010-5-25 01:28

BDP 83se nu{:6_206:} {:6_206:} {:6_206:}無言...............

MingSir 發表於 2010-5-25 09:15

83SE NU , 梗係正, 不過主要正喺音效方面, 畫面都有小小改善? (smallEar c-hing 分享吓)

但畫面 83 同 83SE 或83SE NU 都唔差得去邊, 試吓喇 !{:6_222:}

SmallEar 發表於 2010-5-25 12:30

未有機會 a b test
但既然 3部畫面差不多
唔明有 noise既來源{:6_141:}

johnjohn444 發表於 2010-5-28 00:29

I just bought sony 765s for a week, and also just sold my PS3. Same problem with you, too much noise for PS3 when playing Bluray, for 765s is much better..... however when playing DVD the sound is not good as my old Philips DVP 9000s (Both coxial output)..... so i think i would sell it and go for OPPO. Hope this is helpful for you.

dxvmon2000 發表於 2010-5-28 00:30

I just bought sony 765s for a week, and also just sold my PS3. Same problem with you, too much noise ...
johnjohn444 發表於 2010-5-28 00:29

I got LX52 few day, Thank a lot!
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