如果想買desktop computer搵人砌機好,定廠機好呢{:6_162:} 我個人喜歡廠機!{:6_182:} Desktop 建議自己砌
彈性大好多 {:6_238:} 如果打機用, 一定係砌機! {:6_235:} 砌機有砌機好處
有事都唔知邊忽出事 (咁搵邊個代理 ?)
有事只需 call 一個電話 {:1_333:} 砌機好{:6_222:} 我有好介紹人我慍個他砌絕不求求其其有意pm我{:6_193:} 唔識電腦就買dell, 加到3年保, 有事揾人搞都易D
識就當然自己砌啦...不過我砌得多都覺得好攰同煩, 有事又要自己搞, 依家轉投notebook 懷抱
{:6_228:} 睇你有冇要求,若然只求上上網,聽聽歌,玩玩FB,又唔熟電腦,身邊又無Friend幫手,廠機應該係幫到你. 反之又要最勁CPU,RAM,display, 又超頻又水冷{:6_168:} etc, 而自己又識,最好自己砌. 廠機明比人食水,砌機啦...鐘意點玩都得,一次生 兩次熟,米當學下嘢囉!{:6_142:} ching,
if you've time, of course 砌機啦.Really custom made for your needs - from the color of case to speed of CPU, more flexible.
if no time, 廠機啦 which they tested all components before shipping out - better quality, easier to handle.
if compare $$$ of 廠機 and 砌機, i think the only difference is the OS...
just my 2 cents.