Downgrade again??
I was promoted to 中級會員 last night with score of 503. Now I am downgraded to 見習會員, with score of 468! I lost 35 points! This happened before when I promoted from 新仔會員 to 見習會員. Now it happens again! This is really annoying! Can someone tell me what the hell is happening?? 呢個我地後台都CHECK唔到的, 有時可能你咁岩岩升左一級, 之後因為某些原因你既回文比某版主KILL左就會扣返分, 當扣分時岩岩又回返升級既水平線時, 就會出現呢個情況. 但要找回KILL左你既文功夫就需要很多, 希望ecmlee兄體諒!!!! Thx 小瑟兄!