bear06 發表於 2010-5-21 18:45
O well, at lease it's much faster for viewing Post76. Use Firefox with beauty theme + XFox bookmark everywhere.
Good {:1_335:} Use Firefox with beauty theme + XFox bookmark everywhere.
kkcci88888 發表於 2010-5-22 18:54
But much slower than the google browser wor. chrome 我用左好耐, 不過同D anti-virus 個整合未得
好似Norton個 internet security, 剩係support IE 同 FF
所以我上一般網頁會用chrome, 上e-banking 等就用番IE, 始於anti-virus 現階段仲係睇住IE黎做
P.S. chrome 每開1個tab其實都會開一個新process, 慢機/少ram 就唔好用啦 I've been using it for almost one year. But I still not giving up firefox.
Chrome supports bookmark sync (link up with your google a/c), Firefox has foxmark which does the same thing. But one thing that firefox still has advantage is that it supports simulating IE by using IE tab.