Filter 一問
Lens 已加 Kenko Pro 1D UV protector現想買 Kenko CPL
1. 買普通 CPL or Pro 1D CPL
2. 是否需除去 UV protector
3. CPL 可否長期使用,代替 UV protector
4. CPL 邊度平 冇人理
{:1_247:}{:1_247:}{:1_247:}{:1_247:}{:1_247:}{:1_247:}{:1_247:} 使唔使除係睇再加 CPL 後畫像邊緣有無黑影, 通常 ultra wide 或者有機會有, 所以 50mm 打上已未必有影响
CPL 唔可以代替 UV protector, they are difference functions.
if want to buy CPL, i suggest either B+W CPL or Nikon CPL II, both are good choice, but little bit expensive. 導演 :
其實我亦考慮過 Nikon (我支係 Nikon 18-200 VRII)
但天祥叫價 $10,XX ,真的太貴了
Kenko 問過 DCxxxxx $460
Anyway 導演, thanks for your reply 72mm CPLIIalso cost $1,xxx ? I user step down ring to use Nikon CPL II 77mm with 18-200 (72mm). I user step down ring to use Nikon CPL II 77mm with 18-200 (72mm).
josephm 發表於 2010-5-23 00:51