rklpoon 發表於 2010-5-18 23:08

AV pre-amp $10-20K

本帖最後由 rklpoon 於 2010-5-18 23:14 編輯

Long story short:Saw a sale ad for Yamaha RX-V2400 few days ago. So put up a sale ad for my Y1400 tonight. Received many responses and some even offer above my ask price. Finally sold it tonight. But the problem is now I don't have any AV-amp or pre-amp to play with.

My original plan is buy the Emotiva UMC-1 (HK$6k including freight to HK) but it has some bugs remained unsolved. The UMC-1 uses the twin Cirrus® 32 bit dual core DSP’s (the same chip in Cary/Cambridge pre-amp) and is cheap.

I plan for the Emotiva because personally I think the av gears are expensive and changing too fast like the Onkyo-905,906,5507(new model coming out every year). I don't need Hdmi 1.4/3D.

So I seek you recomendation of a AV pre-amp with price $10K-20K(new or 2nd hand)to match my existing AV gears:-
1) NHT P5 5 channel power amp(recently acquired)
2) Klipcsh- RF-15,RC-52,Rs-42 and a pair of Celestion Little one as suround back
3) Panasonic BDP-55

I don't want Onkyo 886 or Integra 9.8 because they are hot(heat from the HQV video card, and I think excess heat will shorten the life of electronics), but the new model 5507 is less hot (and the Integra 9.9, not sure of the Integra 40.1) but 5507/9.9 is expensive.

Not sure the Tlav.com carries the Integra 40.1/9.9. Any Chig bought thng there care to coment?

angusluk 發表於 2010-5-18 23:41

Cary 11a la

rklpoon 發表於 2010-5-18 23:53

Almost $30K? Big boss will kill me.

I think Cary 11a is expensive because it is good for music as well. I have separate gears for 2 channels music though I seldom listen to these days. My 2 channel gears are:
1) Mod Squad Line Drive
2) Spectral DMA-50
3) Thiel CS1.2
4) Sony CDP-X5000

So I need an AV pre-amp 100% for movie only.

francis_leung21 發表於 2010-5-19 04:10

基本上av pre-amp 又要hd 解碼只此onkyo 一家...如果唔係只係美國不知名既廠...

shum 發表於 2010-5-19 09:55

Any ching know , will Denon or Pioneer or other brand have new AV Pre Amp coming? If so, when will that be? Want to upgrade my 4308 to a pre amp too.

rklpoon 發表於 2010-5-21 11:39

Any suggestion pls?

lemonstar 發表於 2010-5-21 11:55

pre-amp.. japanese brands only hv Denon/Marantz/Onkyo

the price of onkyo5507 matches with c hing's budget.

francis_leung21 發表於 2010-5-21 20:26

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